Tuesday, September 2, 2008


We went to the beach on Labor Day. It felt a little more like a parking lot. There was a lot of traffic (cars, horses and scooters) driving on the beach. It was crazy. We both had never seen a car drive on the beach before. We even did it. 
One of the 2 whole sand dollars we found. Erik got really excited every time we found a large chunk of one. After about 1/2 hour of finding many pieces we found this whole one. We walked a long the beach for about 1 mile or so. The water was cold. But we still stuck our feet in it. 
It was beautiful. It was sunny and around 65 degrees. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get there. We packed a picnic and ate that on the beach. We also played card games, which Erik thought was silly, but I liked it. 
There we are at the beach. This is not fake. 
Our shadows still exist! This is proof that there is sun in Washington. We even got sun burnt on our legs, because we rolled up our pants. All and all it was a great day. Goodbye.


Mom said...

Get shots of the beach. I guess it must have been warmer where you were than where we were. I missed talking to you Sunday so it was good to see your new post. Love, Mom

Mom said...

Sorry about the last comment. I meant to say great shots of the beach!!

Nate Sarah Cooper and Hank said...

Looks pretty, when I see you in jackets I wonder when I will ever be wearing them. A long sleave shirt is way too hot here.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics- as mom said, get some shots of the beach!! I guess those aren't enough! I love the shadows picture.