Thursday, February 21, 2008

President's Day Sledding

Chantille and Jaren invited us over Monday for some sledding on the Point of the Mountain.Coral is really excited to go sledding.
"Look out mommy."
Too late, Chantille decides to try sledding without a sled.

Carson tries his hand out sledding.
Chantille and Jaren climbing back up the hill. It was quite the sledding hill.
I was there too.
Erik racing down the mud into the snow.
Jaren takes Coral down the mountain, because according to Coral, "he is a better driver."Sledding wore Coral out! Thanks for the fun day, Chantille and Jaren!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Devon's photos

They drew the ties on these shirts and then I guess they played a soccer game in them in the mud.
Devon sent some picture this past week so I thought I would try and post some for all to see. He didn't send any explanation so we all have to guess.

It sounds like he is really having fun on his mission. Devon if you want to offer any explanations for thes photos we would love to hear them.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Early Valentines Day

Yesterday Erik took me to SLC to celebrate Valentine's Day. We celebrated early, because Erik's grandparents are going to hang out with us next weekend. We went to the temple, then ate at the Lion House. So delicious! Erik even bought me an orchid, even though the last orchid he bought me I killed. So i guess he is giving me a second chance. I forgot the camera so just picture the SLC Temple and Erik and I looking happy!
Here are the orchids that I killed Last May. I have replacements now, so hopefully I will do better!
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.