Sunday, October 12, 2008


Kristina Chernikova is living with us this year as most everyone knows. Here she is with Talia and Abbigail. They think she is great and so do we.
Kristina is attending Declo high school this year and is a member of the FFA. They were able to attend the Eastern Idaho State fair in Blackfoot. She thought that was great and she even rode the mechanical bull.

For Declo's homecoming
week, they dressed up differently every day. This Kristina with Caleb Searle on their crazy day.


Nate Sarah Cooper and Hank said...

wow mom you actually updated your blog good job! I cant believe how much snow you guys got that is crazy! Its 80 degrees here! Very cute pictures of Kristina. I dont think I have seen that hog shirt for forever.

Colette said...

Yes, I love that Hog Wild shirt. Kristina is beautiful. I can't wait to meet her.